Religious Education

All students study Religious Education as a core subject from years 7 to 13.  Our curriculum is designed to serve the needs of students from all faith traditions and none, preparing them to live their lives in a rapidly changing world.  We hope to inspire students to be able to reveal God’s love in their authentic approaches to their own traditions.  Our vision statement asks all members of the community to learn to grow spiritually, understand community, empower one another and recognise that God has entrusted the universe to our hands.  Religious Education seeks to bring these aims to reality.


At Key Stage 3, the curriculum reflects the diversity of the community, the LSU tradition and is enriched by the Catholic Bishops’ Religious Education Directory.  Students engage with theology, philosophy, ethics, world religions and contemporary issues in Applied RE lessons.

All students sit a GCSE that explores Christianity and Judaism as well and Philosophical and Ethical issues.  Applied RE continues to be taught alongside the GCSE course.  The curriculum is mapped against the Religious Education Directory.

All students in the Sixth Form study an Applied RE course that provides theological reflection on modern issues while enabling them to grow spiritually and morally.  There is the option to study for A-level Religious Studies in Christianity, Philosophy and Ethics.

RE Curriculum Road Map Year 7-13

Applied RE Curriculum Road Map Year 7-13

GCSE RE results are consistently above national averages and show excellent outcomes for all groups of learners. 

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